Σκοπός του μαθήματος είναι να φέρει τους φοιτητές σε επαφή με τους σύγχρονους Η/Υ, με ορισμένα βασικά εργαλεία λογισμικού και, κυρίως, με τις βασικές αρχές του προγραμματισμού, όπως αυτές υλοποιούνται στο περιβάλλον της MATLAB και στη FORTRAN 90/95. Το μάθημα διεξάγεται εξ ολοκλήρου στο Εργαστήριο Προσωπικών Υπολογιστών (ΕΠΥ) της Σχολής.
- Διδάσκων: Χρήστος Κυρανούδης
- Διδάσκων: Αντωνης Σπυροπουλος
Εξάμηνο: Fall
type: Course
Mode: in place only
inLanguage: en
Course ID: 5063
Course Name: Computer Programming - Basic Software Tools
Course Summary:
- Introduction to programming: the purpose of programming.
- Algorithms: the program as an algorithm.
- Algorithm components: assignment, sequence of commands, iteration, arithmetic and logical expressions, basic input and output.
- Programming: the program flow, writing programs, functions, variable scope.
- Floating point numbers: round-off errors.
- Programming techniques: implementation, testing, debugging
Credits/ECTS: 5
Course Outcome: Bring students into contact with modern computers, with specific basic software tools and, mainly, with the basic principles of programming as they are implemented in the MATLAB environment and the python programming language
Study Load: Homework: 33 Hours
Evaluation method: The grade in the course follows from the final hands-on examination in the PCLAB. The participation of the students in an optional intermediate examination, in the middle of the semester, contributes (positively) to the final grade by 40%.
Distribution of teaching and learning materials: Lecture Hours: 78, Lab Hours: 39
Keywords: Algorithms, Matlab, Programming
Educational Level: Bachelor
Instructors: A. Boudouvis;F. Doganis;N. Mandellos